Friday 21 August 2015

How can you mend broken ties within a family?

How can you mend broken ties within a family?

Family problems are worrying you? It is always healthy to seek an expert’s advice when one is not in a state to think from both the mind and heart! Let the relationship expert of help you! A relationship is a delicate knot. A family can break for no reason. Sometimes a series of issues over time are also the reasons. The knot can be mended if all the people concerned, want the relationship to smile at them again. One can choose friends in their life but not a family.  It is the blood relationships that stay during any hurdles, happiness, and disapproved actions in the life.


Broken Families have a huge impact on children too. They might deprive the children of their magnificent futures. The question of whether the parents are together or not? has a very great influence on the psychological, social and educational aspects of the child or children of subject. The growth of the child as a person is at stake when he/she is raised in an environment where there has been a disturbance of family relations and leaves the child very confused and insecure.


 When the family members drift apart after a fight or distance or due to crises, here are few solutions to a life back with a tea chat with the granny, an evening walk with your husband and a women gossip with the aunt.

·                     Leave your ego aside. Take the initiative to say a ‘hi’ to the other person. It is common to fight but when the relationship matters the most rather than the reason of fight, one really needs to take the initiative keeping the negatives on the side.  One might feel rejected or their ego might come in between but once things settle down just because you took the initiative, you will feel eternally satisfied.
·                     It doesn’t matter who is holding a stronger grudge. It is a family not a battle. If one holds grudges, it will be very difficult to forget the fight and mend the relationship. Hug your family again and forget the grudges.
·                     It is difficult to face the person after a huge fight. It is ok. Send them a letter, note or an email. There are millions ways to mend a relationship just like the ways to break it. Send them a family photograph, picture of both of you together or to the best invite them to your home.
·                     Start loving again. Love can flourish any relationship.
·                     If kids are under fault, elders have to help them understand. A relationship might break due to immaturity, jealousy or rivalry.
·                     If the conflict is between the in-laws, there are chances that, things went bad on their own due to different mindsets. Try to ignore the conflicts and stay calm if the other person is angry.
·                     Use the children to start the conversation. If you feel let back to start conversation with a person, try talking to their kids when they are around. This will lead to a happy start again with a sense of connection when the kids discuss about you while talking to their parents.

Consistency, respect towards the other person, love and forgiveness can mend any kind of broken relationship.  Rome is not constructed in a day, so are the relationships.  If one has the awareness about how things went wrong, they can build a healthier and happier relationship again. 

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