Tuesday 25 August 2015

First impression matters. Thus impress!

First impression matters. Thus impress!
Well, do first impressions count? The reality is that they most certainly do, while they shouldn’t.  How to create an outstanding first impression, Let the experts from solvemyproblemm.com help you!
As an old saying goes, ‘perception in reality isn’t far off’, it can in fact shape reality, even if the reality turns out to be fake. To put it in simple words, what people think about you matters, and more often it is the perception of the appearance. People very quickly attempt to size somebody when they first come across them. Consciously or unconsciously, they make value judgments in an effort to assess your credibility and flesh out your agenda.
Now in a perfect world, people would be judged solely on their skills, competencies, performance and character, but alas, we do not live in a perfect world. Well, I am not advocating for form over substance, narcissism, masking insecurity or self – indulgence by trappings you surround yourself with. It is only human nature that makes one use the power of observation in an attempt to validate perception.
At the base level, people will attempt to discern, whether you are person of ally or adverse, significance or insignificance, friend or foe. People will put you in one of the two ways – as a person who can hurt them, or as a person who can help them. The camp you fall into will determine whether or not you’ll be included or excluded, whether you’ll part of the inner circle or relegated to the periphery always finding yourself on the outside looking in.
Things that matter
1.      Smile:

Whenever you meet someone, approach with a genuine smile. Never let your head control your heart. Approach with confidence and a million dollar smile, which will melt all the ice in every introduction you come across. If you are greeted back with a frown, never get disheartened.
2.      Eye contact:

As eyes are the windows of the soul, they are the first impression in many cultures. They reflect how trustworthy and respectful you are. Carry the smile from your face to your eyes. Thus establish a confident eye contact, which shows a positive energetic soul.
3.      Stand up:

Stand up and greet people, regardless of who they are. Keep your respect by respecting others. Greeting someone by standing up, shows the strength in your character and also reflects the fact that you care enough to stop the work you’re indulged in. It also showcases that you are willing to dedicate time to meet and greet this person.
4.      A firm handshake:

The global sign of greeting, establishing peace and equality, make a promise – is a handshake. This is the first physical contact you will have anybody. Make sure you are ready, you state of mind is ready for it and make sure your hand is ready for it.
Let’s face it
You have only one chance to make a great first impression. When we come across people for the first time, we tend to search for visible cognitive cues that make it easier to form an impression. The cues we generally look for are may be a person’s physical appearance, which car they own, where their office is, whom they are associated with, whether you spot any familiarity and so on. How you present yourself is extremely important, as first impressions are difficult to undo or reverse, and they are made within the few moments of seeing you for the first time, before you even had the opportunity to speak!

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