Friday 21 August 2015

Home remedies for a beautiful skin

Home remedies for a beautiful skin

Marks, pimples and the dust on the skin make it unattractive and unhealthy. A pimple pops up every night and one struggle to fight against them! For those who want to face against the artificial substances to enhance beauty, this blog is an extreme help!

Remedy 1:


Gram flour also known, as besan is an all skin types best friend. Massage the cream mixture of pinch of besan, milk cream and lemon drops before taking a shower. Do it whenever you get time to take a long bath.

Remedy 2:


Ground pink daal also known as masoor ki daal is good for oily skin. Mix a pinch of pink daal power with orange peel. You can also add few drops of honey and curd. This exfoliates the skin.

Remedy 3:


Almonds are good at vitamin E. Once you soak the almonds overnight, peel off the dry fruits skin paste it. The mixture of milk, almond paste and lemon juice leads to long lasting fairness. Lemon is usually added to remove tan.

Remedy 4:


If you have aloe Vera plant in your backyard, you can use it too. Remove the pulp and add equal quantities to egg white.  Add a spoon of milk into it.  Milk hydrates the skin faster. Apply this mixture on your face using a brush if you want to handle the egg’s smell better!  Keep applying it for half an hour, once the coat dry’s off. This leaves back a gradient and smooth skin.

Remedy 5:

Olive oil feeds your skin tissues and acts as a natural moisturizer. It is good for women with extremely dry skin. Add milk to 1 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil. Half spoon of honey can also be added. Massage the mask and leave it for 10 minutes. It is advised to clean it with Luke warn water and cotton.

Remedy 6:


Lemon of course will be available at home. Mix few drops of lemon and honey and apply on dark skin or tanned skin. This helps to remove tan.


Cracked heels and rough hands bother so much during winter. Bee wax or petroleum jelly helps to soften the skin. Apply the jelly during the night and wear socks to let the cream stay for long. Your feet will smile the very morning.

Remedy 8:

Healing a pimple is the biggest requirement of a woman. Tea tree oil helps get rid of them. Apply the oil every few hours on the pimple using an ear bud. This elevates the effect on pimple and kills it!

Remedy 9:

Champagne is a glow drink. It helps in pores shrinking and acts as an anti oxidant. It also tones the skin color. Dab the skin with few drops of champagne once a week with a cotton ball. 

The scorching sun, the extra sweat and the pimples make life a hell! It isn’t a surprise when you hear a women next-door praying god for a beautiful skin. Not all the cosmetic’s helped overcome the problems with skin.

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