Wednesday 8 July 2015

Excercises for a stronger back

Excercises for a stronger back.
Leave your ‘oohs’, ‘ows’ and ‘ouches’ behind, move ahead in life with the strong back up of your back. Since our body belongs only to us, it is our responsibility to look after it and maintain it well. Let us find out the different ways to keep our back straight and maintenance free.
Exercising regularly is the first step in keeping all pains and gains away. You might be a yoga freak or a strong believer of aerobics, any form of exercise will help to keep your body fit and strong. In today’s world, there is less focus on physical work and more on mechanized work, which leads to less active activity. Therefore, it becomes more important to do exercises to maintain the proper working of different joints and muscles of our body.

What are the causes of backaches?
You don’t need to do something strenuous to suffer from a backache and you also do not have to be in any particular age group to suffer from a pain in your back. A simple bend to pick up a dropped green chili on the kitchen floor can be the beginning of your back ache. Too much or too little of exercising too, can be a reason for a back problem.
Is it possible to cure a back ache?
There is no word like impossible and there is a very good chance that one can cure a bad back ache using very simple exercising methods, no need for strong medications or costly surgeries. A well followed the exercise regime and some simple do’s and don’ts is all that is needed. Rememer, has the solutions!
Which is the best exercise to follow to strengthen the back muscles?
There are plenty of exercises that can help you make a back strong. Some easy exercises are discussed below.

Exercise Number 1

1.      Lie on your back.
2.      Knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
3.      Using both your hands pull up one knee and press it to your chest.
4.      Stay in the position for 15 to 30 seconds.
5.      Go back to the original position.
6.      Do the same exercise with the other knee.
7.      Return to the starting position and do the exercise with both the knees together
8.      Do the stretch two to three times.
This exercise should be done once in the morning and once at night.
Exercise Number 2.

Another simple exercise which can be done is as follows. The yoga and weight loss experts at highlights this Yoga exercise. It is especially for those individuals who spend more of their life in the sitting position, by that it means who have to travel for a long distance to work or those who have a desk job and spend hours in front of the computer.
1.      Lie down on your back.
2.      Then bend your right knee towards your chest.
3.      Now take a rolled up towel and place it at the ball of your feet.
4.      Next, straighten your leg and make it point towards the ceiling.
5.      Lower it and press the heels of both the legs on the floor.
6.      As soon as you feel your lower back muscles feeling a pull, then,
7.      Bend your left leg at the knee and place your foot on the floor firmly.
8.      Wait for 2 to 3 minutes and continue with the exercise with the left leg.
Exercise number 3

The Physical fitness expert suggests this exercise. It is good for bringing relief to the pain felt in the lower back. It is simple to do and if done regularly brings much needed relief from pain.
1.      Lie on your back on a yoga mat or any other suitable sheet.
2.      Bend both your knees and slowly draw them up to your chest.
3.      Spread both your arms out on the floor to form a “T “.
4.      Now exhale, slowly, and bring down your knees to your right.
5.      See that you do not lift up your shoulders and keep them pressed firmly on the ground.
6.      Stay in this position for at least 1 to 2 minutes
7.      Bring your knees back towards your chest and slowly lower them to the ground.
8.      Repeat the exercise with the left side.
Exercise number 4

All exercises which one does for joints and muscle pains have to be done slowly and regularly. Remember that in the beginning do them in less time and as you get a hang of it increase the time limit. This exercise too is for relief from back aches.
1.      Lie on your back.
2.      Bend both the knees, keeping the soles of your feet pressed flat on the ground.
3.      Try to make the figure four with your right knee,
4.      Touch your left ankle to the right thigh,
5.      Then slowly lift your left foot up and bring the left calf parallel to the ground.
6.      Put both your hands between the openings of your legs and or you can stretch your other hand to reach your right foot.
7.      Stay in this position for 2 to 3 minutes and then repeat on the right side
Whew! Puzzling, isn’t it? But we do want to do away with the backache, don’t we?
Exercise number 5

What all have we not done for relief, let us try this and see. Walking and Cycling too will help reduce back ache says the physiotherapy expert from
Yes, walking is the easiest and the best form of exercise one can do for a backache. It does not require any expensive equipment and you can do it indoors or outdoors. All you need are a pair of comfortable walking shoes and if you are walking on the beach or on fresh, green grass then no need for shoes at all. Active walking for more than 15 minutes every day, in the beginning, then gradually increase your walking limit and walk away your aches and pains. A treadmill too can be used for your walking exercise, but remember to start with a slow speed and increase gradually.
Cycling on your bicycle is another form of saying goodbye to pain. You can use a stationary exercising bike or the usual two wheels one, whatever you are comfortable in. Cycling not only strengthens your calf muscles, shapes your thighs, but also does away with your backache.
The backbone is the strongest and the most important part of the human body and we should see that we look after it well so that it supports us and keeps us standing tall forever. Reach out to the expirenced Psychotherapist’s at and find a solution for a healthy back!

1 comment:

  1. Very useful post . Wt else your website provides ?
