Tuesday 6 October 2015

Yoga that is good for heart.

 The history of yoga dates back as far as the ancient India, yoga being practiced it to increase their spiritual insight and tranquility. Today, yoga is enjoyed as it helps one to increase their flexibility and relax. Also it improves heart’s health. Well, traditional yoga is practiced by slowly stretching the body into a variety of poses keeping the focus on meditation and breathing.
 Yoga is designed to bring about increased mental, physical and emotional well-being. Hand in hand with leading a heart healthy lifestyle, a yoga based model will help prevent or reverse a heart disease.

Thinking prevention?

As part of a healthy lifestyle, yoga can help increase lung capacity, lower blood pressure, muscle tone, improve respiratory function and heart rate, and boost circulation. It improves your overall well- being while offering strength-building benefits.
The acute emotional stress of an event definitely has a significant and adverse effect on the heart, and that’s where yoga can play a tremendous role in managing the stress. The emotions ranging from anxiety to grieving come into play when you have got a chronic disease to manage for the rest of your life. consult best yoga expert on solvemyproblemm.com

The New Heart-Smart Workout

“The more the energy you put into it, the more you are going to get out it.”

­       Half Frog Pose - Ardha Bhekasana:

This pose is more than a backbend, as it opens the shoulders, chest, and thighs all at once.

Benefits –
·         Stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, abdomen and chest, thighs and groins, deep hip flexors and throat
·         Strengthens the back muscles
·         Improves posture
·         Stimulates the organs of the abdomen

­       Easy Pose – Sukhasana:

Now, don't let the name fool you. Especially, if you're used to sitting in chairs, this pose can be quite challenging.

Benefits –       
·         Calms the brain
·         Strengthens the back
·         Stretches the ankles and knees

­       Chair Pose – Utkatasana:

The chair Pose clearly works the muscles of the legs and arms, and it also stimulates the diaphragm and heart.

Benefits –

·         Stretches shoulders and chest
·         Stimulates the diaphragm, abdominal organs and heart
·         Reduces flat feet

­       Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana:

This posture provides flexibility in the spine and encourages the chest to open.

Benefits –

·         Strengthens the spine
·         Stretches shoulders, abdomen, and chest and lungs
·         Firms the buttocks
·         Stimulates abdominal organs
·         Helps relieve stress and fatigue
·         Opens the heart and lungs
·         Soothes sciatica
·         Therapeutic for asthma

­       Staff Pose – Dandasana:

This pose might look easy, but there is much more to Staff Pose than that meets the eye.

Benefits –
·         Strengthens the back muscles
·         Stretches the shoulders and chest
·         Improves posture

Get To the Bottom of the Heart
Every culture has own beliefs on health and mind. While the Greeks believed that heart is the seat of the spirit, the Chinese preferred the fact that heart is the center of happiness and to add to these two, the Egyptians believed that the heart is the center of intellect and emotion.

We come to our mats for various reasons, and we walk away from a practice with greater compassion, greater awareness and more focus. Well, heart is just like any other muscle in the body which works perpetually. Hence, it needs to be used and then rested – and yoga is the perfect way for healing the heart.

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