Monday, 30 May 2016

Ask questions online on dentistry!

Dentistry is a field of medicine that is fast becoming a lucrative one, by the day. In a vast nation like India where the majority of the population lives in the rural areas, dental facilities are not available to adequately enough!  Last year the dentist population ratio of India was recorded at a staggering 1:10,000. But surveys under the supervision have revealed the stark reality that only 1 dentist is currently meeting the dental health related demands of a rural population of 2,50,000.

Best dentist expert in india

Population wise as well as when it comes to the number of tobacco users, Indians are second only to China. Despite having a huge array of multi-specialty and cancer specialty healthcare organizations, most of the population takes dental health care and its maintenance extremely lightly. Until one is victimized by a severe dental pain, some non-healing wound, some strange swelling, growth in the mouth or anywhere on the face.
Why people do not visit a dentist in the real world?
1.    Apathetic attitude to health.
2.    Mixsed up priorities.
3.    Little value towards taking care of one’s health until something drastic happens.
4.    Expensive consultation costs.
5.    Expensive and long-drawn treatment costs.
What does with its knowledge sharing platform? is an awesome platform where some of the leading experts in the field of dentistry help you with the problem solving process for the dental problems that you suffer from. You get to choose single/multiple experts, to whom you can ask questions online. These experts will answer your questions within the deadline date set by you.
What is the kind of problems that you can pose questions about on smp?
Smp is a unique problem solving portal, that aims at helping solution seekers to find closure to dental or oro-facial problems. Smp is particularly useful for solving problems if lingering or persisting  for a long time.
Certain problems that you can pose questions about can belong to one or more of these categories:
1.    Nagging pain in the tooth or jaws or any of the facial bones.
2.    A non-healing wound or ulcer in and around the mouth.
3.    A swelling inside or outside the mouth.
4.    Frequent decays appearing in one or teeth.
5.    Unexplained white spots appearing on the teeth.
6.    Congenital abnormalities if any.
7.    Any other problem that you have consulted few dental practitioners in the past, but couldn’t receive a solid and effective solution for.
8.    You can even use smp to upload documents like scan or lab reports or even snapshots regarding your health issue to get a refined opinion from the league of experts.
The best part about solvemyproblemm!
Consultations with a dentist in real time today, is not a cakewalk of an event. From having monetary expenditures to the amount of time spent, consultations with the dentist are not always an easy experience. Once you come aboard on solvemyproblemm  to ask questions online as a part of your problem solving pursuit, then you not only get the liberty to choose whom and how many experts to consult, you even get to connect and seek answers to your problems from specialists in dentistry regardless of where they are located.
The overall consultation cost on smp are about half the real time rates. You can voice your most awkward concerns and keep your interactioans with the experts private. And if you are happy with the counsel you received, you are eligible to receive 10% of the consultation charges on closing the question!
The best part is you don’t even have to leave the confines of your personal space to do all this.
Check out, a place where you can ask questions online  to aid in your issue of dental problem solving!

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Tips for Rainwater Harvesting!

Tips for Rainwater Harvesting!

As temperatures reach sweltering heights and the water tables all over are increasingly getting depleted, it is the ultimate need of the hour to find alternate sources of water. Rainwater is the purest source of water in the environment and it can substitute about 30—100% water from the main supply, for domestic uses.
Here are a few tips on how to install an effective rainwater system at home:

1.     Make a comprehensive water budget that will fulfil your water needs, in and around the house.
2.     Opt for a dual water supply system, that will top-up the tank with water from the main supply, whenever the levels fall below minimum levels.
3.     Ensure that the roof surface of the house is well-suited to collect rainwater. Roofing with toxic lead/tar based paintings and flashings are not ideal choices. Clay/concrete/cement/composite tiles or steel sheets are much suited.

4.     Roof gutters are an essential component of the harvesting system. Make sure that their dimensions allow sunlight to pass through them and doesn’t cause logging of debris in it. Waterlogged gutters can serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes. To allow complete drainage of water collected, the gutter outlets must be fixed to the underside of the gutter.
5.     Ensure that all pipes that hold water should have their openings sealed by insect-proof screens at the junction where it enters into the rainwater tank, as well as the outlet from the tank.
6.     A first flush diverter is installed on the downpipe, this will help remove the most contaminated rainwater from getting into the tank.
7.     Choose a tank made of dark, opaque material that doesn’t get affected by temperature variations. It should also not be a safe haven for algal growth. In case of algal problem, drain and clean the tank thoroughly.
8.     Choose a spot with enough shade and ensure that the tanks have lids that are close fitting and insect proof.
9.     While drawing water, remember to draw water about one third of the way from the top of the tank which is the aerobic zone for household chores. But for uses outside the home, water from the bottom of the tank, which is the anaerobic zone needs to be taken.

10.                          Meticulous maintenance of the rainwater harvesting system plays an important role in getting good quality water. Registering your rain harvesting system with the local municipal bodies will also need to be kept in consideration.
For more information on how to install rain water harvesting systems in your own home, consult some of the top top civil engineering experts and top energy engineering experts in India and get expert advice at the earliest, to make the best out of coming rainy season, on