Friday, 16 October 2015

Software engineer? Then you got few important things to remember.

Each one of us wants to be good in whatever we are doing – that’s how we are raised, that’s the human nature. Constant improvement without being disappointed by tiny bumps and small failures on the way is the key to success. Although, software engineers are envisioned as geeks who live in their mother’s basement and lack social skills, these individuals actually acquire qualities that could make them fit to run as President of the U.S. People who love attention to detail and code can fit into the software field, but there are many more personality traits and skills that can help snag that coveted job. And, while looking in from the outside, the people who share these attributes are the same folks who would make you want to quit your job to start a company.

Tip # 1: Take control

Under no circumstances, surrender the control of your career to someone else. Take control from day one and always strive to be the better one in that field of work.  Always be curious about why something is done one way or another, along with the added ability of being objective about the solutions. Putting together software is a creative job, and this curiosity and creativity is essential to think outside the box while designing programs. The thrill keeps you going.

       Tip # 2: Be a group person

The software industry is a place where it’s fairly easy to ‘go solo’. It is very important to learn to work in a group and communicate with other people. Actively, search for contacts that will help you become a better professional. The larger the group of competent people around you, the higher the chances you have knowledge transfer. It enables you to learn to write concise and clear instructions and reports and also how to convey ideas to customers and clients.

Tip # 3: Get noticed

Receiving a feedback is extremely important in professional development. In order to get a     positive and meaningful feedback, you should get noticed first by people who have more knowledge than you. Living your entire professional career in a cubicle wouldn’t fetch you much. Do presentations, start writing stuff and start working on an open source product. And of course, get noticed for the right reasons, and not for reasons like crashing the production server or any other wrong reason.

Tip # 4: Experience
If you have been tinkering with the software stuff since you were a kid, then undoubtedly your abilities as an adult will be quadrupled. Besides the hands-on experience, you might as well be addicted to math and science, and also have the ability to be organized. At the same time, the ability to continue to learn is important as this a field where change is constant. Always measure whatever you can, without just ‘thinking’ that your solution will be good enough. See for yourself, without assuming, as human judgment and forecast can be faulty. And sometimes you will probably be surprised to know how far your estimate is from reality.

Tip # 5: Coach

The best way to learn is by teaching others. Sounds counter intuitive, but is definitely a reality. Not only the ones you teach will be better off, but so will you. It is hard to do right and a lot of skill is required to teach others. Keep patience and passion for you job, this love for your work will take you far in your job.

Tip # 6: Aspire to grow and learn

Like it is said, “the day you stop learning should be the day you die”, software engineers can never opt to put full-stop to their learning process. As we live in a fast-paced world, we are left only with two choices – learn and grow or fall behind. The fun thing kept in learning is that you sometimes we rediscover our current goals. Maybe goals today are not anymore what they were a couple of years back and probably the path travelled has opened doors to places which were never dreamt off, just by constantly learning new things.

Tip # 7: Keep your brain trained

Never settle with everyday tasks, always stretch your boundaries and do some extra work. This definitely will take time, but keep training in various fields, and always look for alternative solutions. Being a software engineer, does not stop when you leave your desk in the noon – it’s a lifestyle. And well, good ideas strike usually when you are at working.

Tip # 8: Embrace failure and keep moving forward

Let us bare the fact in mind that you will fail at times. However, the trick is not to crawl up in a hole and feel sorry for yourself. Try to figure out what went wrong and also learn from that experience. Don’t keep flashing your failure in front of your eyes all the time. Keep strong and determined and look ahead to the future. Good engineers are hallmarked by their ability to bounce back up after facing failures. Never be scared to try out new things, but when things go wrong, be ready for a paradigm shift.

Tip # 9: Write down ideas

Always keep papers and pen in hand, for the trick is to pen down your ideas whenever strike your mind. Noting down your ideas enables you to defer thinking about them, but with the assurance that you will not lose them. Remember to write down, as every now and then you will probably have a great idea, and ideas are bread and butter in the software world. 

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Advices to avoid risky sexual activity in teenagers

Advices to avoid risky sexual activity in teenagers

Being a parent, it becomes obligatory to expect a healthy and happy living of your child. Here are few advices from to avoid the problems due to risky sexual activity in teenagers.
Research has shown that there are three common risky behaviors amongst teenagers. These are sexual activity, delinquency and addiction to drugs. Exposure to such kind of behavior or acting on such kind of behavior may not seem as dangerous in the short term but however in the long run they might prove quite dangerous and hazardous to the health as well as the personal growth of the teenager. Most of the influence is through the exposure to the bad media, which glamorize these activities and portray them as a normal behavior. However there are many ways in which the parents can avoid or prevent the teenagers from taking such paths visit on

Measures to protect teenagers from bad influence

The best way to avoid teenagers falling prey to such horrid activities is through careful monitoring and giving the rightful attention. There is so much that can be done by the parents to avoid such repercussions. The following are few things which the parents should do, to ensure safety as well as well being of the child.

·         Being clear about one’s own sexual values and activities : This emphasizes on the fact that as long as the parents are not clear about relationships , family and sexual activity, no more can they guide their children on these aspects. They have to objectify their understanding on these aspects as the first key pointer and once they have attained clarity, they can go ahead and talk to their children and teach them.

·         Talking to children on a frequent basis about sex and being open and specific: Since the time we are out in this world, curiosity has always been our way of life. So are the teenagers, as they change and grow into adults. So they tend to have so many doubts and queries, especially regarding sex, love and relationships. Therefore it is advised by many of the psychologists that it is better to start an honest conversation and educate the children about these aspects at an early stage itself. Being open and encouraging a two way conversation is very fruitful in this case rather than just a one way lecture.


·         Supervising and monitoring the children: Establishing reasonable curfews, a few ground rules and ensuring discipline are one of the most important teachings of parents to a child. This ensures that the child is engaged in useful and productive activity.

·         Discourage early dating and courting: Meeting friends, hanging out with groups and peers is a healthy social activity. However parents must advice their teens not to enter into early dating engagement. They have to educate them the importance of education and the privileges and respect one gets out of education. Discourage your daughters from dating older guys and preach the same to their sons not to date younger girls.


·         Paying attention to the children’s activities: What the child reads watches or listens to, has to be taken care of with utmost importance. If sincere attention is not given to these aspects then there is a possibility of the child to go in a wrong direction.

These are the various pointers for the parents to keep in mind, so that they could advice and educate their children about sexual activities and various relationships that they come across and face at their adolescence. Being open to communication and having a close bonding with children and talking to them about their concerns should be the main key learning of the parents according to the above mentioned points of discussion. 

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

The gestures that are a big NO

The Body Language Experts from says, few gestures are a Big No! Do you know them? The body language gestures have woven into the fabrics of our everyday lives. We point, wave, beckon and use our hands while we are speaking or arguing animatedly, expressing ourselves with gestures, often unconsciously. Gestures may vary across different cultures and regions, so it’s important to be aware to avoid misinterpretations.

Actions speak louder than words

Nearly more than half of the human communication takes place non-verbally. Consciously or subconsciously, we are constantly sending non-verbal messages – even as we read these words. Your body is an effective tool to add clarity and emphasis to your words. It is very important to communicate effectively, so as to project your enthusiasm, sincerity and earnestness by making your actions and manner affirm what you say. However, results can be disastrous, if your physical actions are distracting or if they deliver meanings that do not match with your verbal message.

So, make sure that whatever your purpose is – to inform, entertain, motivate, inspire or persuade – you must project your body and personality in the most appropriate way to what you say. When you communicate, people tend to mirror your attitudes, they unconsciously feel what you feel and respond accordingly. Thus, it is vital that your body faithfully portrays your true feelings.

To say cheese or not to say cheese

You might think that your body language is a powerful indicator that exhibits you emotions and feelings in a way that they can be easily interpreted by others. Now, of course this can for you or against you depending on the body language you use. Everybody speaks the body language and like in any other language, this language also has slips that must be avoided.

Body language errors

Ä      Fidgeting and big hand movements –

The little nervous movements like messing with the collar of your shirt, playing with your hair or playing with a pen, can kill your impression. It demonstrated anxiety, weakness, lack of confidence and discomfort. Powerful people tend to use more subtle and smaller hand gestures to demonstrate their point with authority.

Ä      Do not glance at your watch –

Having a glance at the watch, while conversing with somebody, can be a big turn off for that person. A quick glance at the wall clock or your wrist watch, says ‘I don’t care, please quit talking quickly’, even if that’s not what you mean.

Ä      Do not cross your arm –

Crossed arms, is a defensive position and can be detrimental. This is a simple and comfortable posture, yet gives an unapproachable feel to others. To add to this, this gesture involves a sense of egotism, inclined towards arrogance. When people who are listening to you cannot see your hands, they start to wonder what you are hiding. So, avoid it!

Ä      Do not fake smile –


Now let us not say cheese, as it portrays a fake smile, which is seen as an insincere smile. Smile not only with your mouth but with your eyes as well. Your smile is accompanied by increased activity in the left pre-frontal cortex– the characteristic wrinkles around the eyes in real smiles – is the seat of positive emotions. With a natural smile, you show up more confidence, warmth, openness and energy, while if you do not smile or even faking it, you are seen as grim or aloof.

Ä      Do not touch your face –


Touching your face is a sign of deception. When you lie, especially during a conversation, this gesture is made subconsciously. When you are telling a lie, your brain instructs you to block the deceitful words flowing out of your mouth.

Ä      Do not face away –


To establish a healthy and mutual communication, good eye contact is essential, as it builds trust and shows that you are engaged and connected. The ability to look eye to eye while speaking denotes confidence, authority and presence. Holding an eye contact while conversing also has enormous impact on your skill to persuade, while lack of eye contact indicates deception. Well, this does not imply you stare with a blank face and scare the person away. It means, even if you not interested in the discussion, a sudden cut off is rude.

Besides not having an eye contact, eye rolling is another gesture which is not appreciated by people you are conversing with. It is a sign of frustration, contempt, aggression and exasperation. This is indeed a strong signal, which can be avoided with self-awareness, so avoid it!

Ä      Do not give a lousy handshake –


Lousy handshakes are crummy and will definitely kill your first impression, as it depicts submissiveness. A firm handshake, with a sincere look and a warm smile is the best gesture for a perfect introduction. But then, make sure that you do not go for the ‘I will crush you’ handshake. Just slide your hand down into the web of the other person’s hand and make a palm-to-palm contact, lock thumbs and apply equal pressure.

Ä      Poor posture


How we stand depends on how we feel. People often tend to slump their shoulders due to fatigue, bad back aches, lack of confidence or just disregard. This gives an impression of laziness, insecurity or just a sense of unhappiness. Thus, to be seen as confident, stand tall, with neck elongated, shoulders and ears aligned, chest slightly protruding and legs slightly apart, distributing weight evenly. This depicts an outward appearance of strength, credibility and vitality.

Ä      Showing no physical feedback

Showing no empathy, or interest in what the other person is talking, can be detrimental. If no feedback is given physically, people start to think that you are stuck up, that you don’t care and host of various negative attributes. So express your interest through smiles, raised eyebrow, leaning forward or just by vocal utterances – like the ‘uh-huh’.

Ä      Mismatched verbal and non-verbal messages

The common mistake that any communicator can make is showing the opposite emotional reaction to what they are saying. Like for example, you say, “that sounds great” in a monotone voice while you roll your eyes and cross your arms. When we speak to others, the listeners judge you and your message based on what they hear as well as what they see.
The final say

Like the beautiful Mae West quoted, ‘I speak two languages – Body and English’. Thus remember, your body is a reflection of the message you convey, so do not give away a wrong one.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Diabetes! How do I control it?

Diabetes! How do I control it?
Have you ever come across those big Thanksgiving Day parade balloons? Whether it’s the Bullwinkle or the Sponge-bob Square-pants, a small army of people need to hold the ropes tightly, so that the balloon does not just sail off into the sky. Well, diabetes can be a little like that. Are you facing problems with diabetes? The health expert says, you have to work on it to keep it under control. consult healthcare expert on
 At times, this can seem like a lot of work, but it will definitely pay off. Now you may ask, how. Here’s the answer

o   You will grow up just the way you should.
o   You will feel better.
o   When you grow older, you will less likely to have health problems from your diabetes.
Few tips to control diabetes:
Effort in keeping the blood sugars close to normal can be hard at times. These few tips can help you do your very best in keeping your diabetes under control. It would probably be like you are marching with one of the huge parade balloons and holding on tight!
   Make a date with a dietitian -

‘One-size-fits-all diabetes diet’, is nothing but just a myth. A dietitian will help you make a diet plan that’s right for your weight, age, activity level, medications and can also help set daily carbohydrate and calorie targets.

   Get plenty of fiber -

Well, it’s tough, it’s rough, yet will help you!
Fiber rich foods help –
1.      Lower the risk of heart disease.
2.      Improves control on blood sugar, reducing risk of diabetes.
3.      Promotes weight loss, by making you feel full. 
   Check your feet daily -

Can’t reach your feet? Then use a mirror or ask somebody to give your feet a daily once-over, as high blood sugar levels damage nerves in the feet, leaving you unable to sense the blisters, cuts or any other injuries. This can develop a simple cut into a grave problem in a couple of days.
   Keep moving -

Exercise helps increase insulin sensitivity, by improving glucose uptake into the cells of the body. Aim to be active for just an hour a day, for at least five days a week. Simple activities like taking the stairs, vacuuming vigorously or a little stressful one like brisk walking, that raise the heart rate enough to making it slightly difficult to talk counts towards the daily total. Physical activity can dramatically improve glucose control.
   Quit smoking -

It’s a universal truth that, smoking is injurious to health. It is especially harmful for people with diabetes, since it increases insulin resistance as well as causes blood vessels to narrow down, limiting circulation to your feet and legs.

   Lose extra weight -

Now, exercise for increasing heart rate is different than that for cutting down weight. In case you are overweight, then your diabetes prevention may hinge on weight loss. Each pound you lose counts in improving your health and you’ll be surprised by how much. Regular exercise reduces the risk of diabetes by nearly 60 percent.

   Make healthier choices -

Well, glycemic index diet, low-carb diets or any other fad diets initially help you cut down weight. But these diets keep you away from essential nutrients. Neither their long term effects nor their effectiveness in preventing diabetes are known. Instead, think variety and portion control as part of your overall healthy-diet plan.

Switch on the control – prevention is a big deal:

If you are at increased risk of diabetes, then diabetes prevention better be your priority. These slight changes in your lifestyle can avoid serious health complications of diabetes down the road. Diabetes control is as basic as becoming more physically active, eating more healthfully and losing a few extra pounds – and it’s definitely never too late to start. Just be healthy, stay healthy and feel good.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Yoga that is good for heart.

 The history of yoga dates back as far as the ancient India, yoga being practiced it to increase their spiritual insight and tranquility. Today, yoga is enjoyed as it helps one to increase their flexibility and relax. Also it improves heart’s health. Well, traditional yoga is practiced by slowly stretching the body into a variety of poses keeping the focus on meditation and breathing.
 Yoga is designed to bring about increased mental, physical and emotional well-being. Hand in hand with leading a heart healthy lifestyle, a yoga based model will help prevent or reverse a heart disease.

Thinking prevention?

As part of a healthy lifestyle, yoga can help increase lung capacity, lower blood pressure, muscle tone, improve respiratory function and heart rate, and boost circulation. It improves your overall well- being while offering strength-building benefits.
The acute emotional stress of an event definitely has a significant and adverse effect on the heart, and that’s where yoga can play a tremendous role in managing the stress. The emotions ranging from anxiety to grieving come into play when you have got a chronic disease to manage for the rest of your life. consult best yoga expert on

The New Heart-Smart Workout

“The more the energy you put into it, the more you are going to get out it.”

­       Half Frog Pose - Ardha Bhekasana:

This pose is more than a backbend, as it opens the shoulders, chest, and thighs all at once.

Benefits –
·         Stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, abdomen and chest, thighs and groins, deep hip flexors and throat
·         Strengthens the back muscles
·         Improves posture
·         Stimulates the organs of the abdomen

­       Easy Pose – Sukhasana:

Now, don't let the name fool you. Especially, if you're used to sitting in chairs, this pose can be quite challenging.

Benefits –       
·         Calms the brain
·         Strengthens the back
·         Stretches the ankles and knees

­       Chair Pose – Utkatasana:

The chair Pose clearly works the muscles of the legs and arms, and it also stimulates the diaphragm and heart.

Benefits –

·         Stretches shoulders and chest
·         Stimulates the diaphragm, abdominal organs and heart
·         Reduces flat feet

­       Cobra Pose – Bhujangasana:

This posture provides flexibility in the spine and encourages the chest to open.

Benefits –

·         Strengthens the spine
·         Stretches shoulders, abdomen, and chest and lungs
·         Firms the buttocks
·         Stimulates abdominal organs
·         Helps relieve stress and fatigue
·         Opens the heart and lungs
·         Soothes sciatica
·         Therapeutic for asthma

­       Staff Pose – Dandasana:

This pose might look easy, but there is much more to Staff Pose than that meets the eye.

Benefits –
·         Strengthens the back muscles
·         Stretches the shoulders and chest
·         Improves posture

Get To the Bottom of the Heart
Every culture has own beliefs on health and mind. While the Greeks believed that heart is the seat of the spirit, the Chinese preferred the fact that heart is the center of happiness and to add to these two, the Egyptians believed that the heart is the center of intellect and emotion.

We come to our mats for various reasons, and we walk away from a practice with greater compassion, greater awareness and more focus. Well, heart is just like any other muscle in the body which works perpetually. Hence, it needs to be used and then rested – and yoga is the perfect way for healing the heart.